Translate your Shopify images with langify. Either by easy drag and drop direct upload. Or by using our custom content (cc) feature. Upload your translated product, collection and articles images. For e.g. theme images use our custom solution.
Drag & Drop image translation for Products, Collection and Articles.
Generally, once the images are uploaded to Shopify (more details here) - either by upload to the content file section or to the dedicated langify image container product - in langify, you have two different options to translate the images:
First for your products, collections and articles by direct upload in langify (Drag&Drop)
Secondly, via custom content for any other image
Custom Content can also be used to translate the image’s "alt" text or to a video URL
Regular image translations
Basically, as the images in Shopify are handled differently for certain store sections, so are the translations in langify.
You can directly upload your translated images in app for those sections:
No need to first upload the file to Shopify!
- Products
- Collections
- Articles
Simply choose the product/collection/article element and open the images section below the description. The available images are displayed as preview and with the option to drag&drop your translated image directly. Just click on the ‘plus’ button…
Please be aware that the image translation is based on the image's URL. So, if you change the URL or title of the original image, the image translation will stop working and has to be done again.
Hint: The successfully uploaded image will be displayed in the pre-view.
Note: The images are stored in the Shopify Content File section (previously in the langify media theme)
Custom image translation
For the other Shopify images, the translation in langify works around via custom content in the app. It is a little more work to do as the translated images have to be uploaded to your Shopify content section separately.
Hence, please first upload your translated images in Shopify.
Then, simply use the respective URL from the original image to create the custom content and save.
Add the uploaded URL from the translated image in langify accordingly.
- Upload translated image to Shopify
- Create ‘Custom Content’ in langify with the original image URLs
- Add URL from the translated image and save